Masindi embarks on campaign aimed at reducing maternal deaths
He called upon the women to deliver in the hands of qualified personnel, eat a balanced diet during pregnancy, seek early antenatal services plus male involvement in maternal health in order to avoid the problem.

Masindi: Masindi district health department has embarked on a campaign aimed at reducing maternal deaths in Bunyoro sub region.
This is part of the Bunyoro Local Maternity and Neonatal System that was prompted by the high rates of maternal death in the region and was launched by the Permanent Secretary Ministry of health Dr. Diana Atwine in Hoima district last week.
The launch coincided with the launch of this year’s ten days of action against excessive bleeding after child birth medically known as Post-Partum Haemorrhage.
Addressing journalists at the district health officer’s office recently, Sister Penelope Kabasomi, a senior assistant nursing officer at Masindi hospital revealed that Post-Partum Hemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal deaths and illness in the district and globally.
Sister Kabasomi listed the five causes of excessive bleeding after child birth as failure by the womb to contract, tearing of the womb or birth canal, failure of the blood to clot and parts of the placenta remaining in the womb.
Sister Kabasomi cited women with a history of excessive bleeding after child birth, women who have had five deliveries, women who experience prolonged labour and those who report late to the health facilities after going labour pains are those at a higher risk of suffering from Post-Partum Haemorrhage.
Michael Muddu, the district health educator called upon the women to deliver in the hands of qualified personnel, eat a balanced diet during pregnancy, seek early antenatal services plus male involvement in maternal health in order to avoid the problem.
Sister Kabasomi cited becoming anemic by the women and even death as some of the effects of Post-Partum Hemorrhage, calling for early reporting of bleeding in order to prevent the likely effects.
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