Suspected cattle thief survives mob in Kakumiro
Upon interrogation, the suspect admitted to have stolen the two black bulls from Ntunda LC1, in Ntunda Parish, Kyankwanzi district.

Kakumiro: Police in Kakumiro are holding Tadeo Tumwebaze, 36, a resident of Kyankwanzi, for allegedly stealing two bulls.
The above suspect survived being lynched by an angry mob over alleged cattle theft.
The Albertine Region police spokesperson, Julius Allan Hakiza, told this publication that the angry mob wanted to lynch Tumwebaze after discovering he was transporting stolen cattle.
‘’After getting a phone call, police rushed to the scene and rescued him from the mob; they wanted to lynch him because he had stolen bulls,’’ Hakiza added.
The regional police mouthpiece asserted that the incident happened on Monday, May 28, 2024, at around 10 a.m. in Mpeeka, LC.
Hakiza said that police rushed to the scene in time and evacuated the suspect to Kakindo police station.
‘’Upon interrogation, the suspect admitted to have stolen the two black bulls from Ntunda LC1, in Ntunda Parish, Kyankwanzi district,’’ Hakiza said.
The police officer called upon those who have registered a case of their animals missing at police in Kyankwanzi to go and cross-check with Kakindo police in Kakumiro district.
He also disclosed that the cases of cattle theft have not increased since this year began.
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