Democracy, patriotism and pan African unity will fail Africa
See how Black Africans wasted all their annual savings a few days ago on what they called western 'festivities".

Op-Ed: A tale of a triumphant traditional system of ‘Useless small African chiefs” (Jogo) versus illegal foreign imposed puppet National democratic Republics) .
Note: This article lacks the usual figures and numbers as each claim can be verified by the reader. They have been omitted intentionally to enhance further reading and research by Pan African students. The figures appear in the main publication.
As Ugandans and about a half a dozen nations prepare for NATIONAL elections in the next 20 months, Majority of Ugandans and the semi-illiterate African masses still can’t comprehend and fathom the relatively new concept of national democracy, politics and well as economics mixed with consumerism as a new culture.
See how Black Africans wasted all their annual savings a few days ago on what they called western ‘festivities”.
The Black Islamic population shall also soon clear all their meagre savings in Animal assets on EID as they forward a foreign Arabic version of consumerism meant to aid the original Market to expand due to local over production.
These markets include Saudi Arabian tourism industry which needed more new visitors after almost all Arabs had become Hajji and Hajjati. Just like their Western civilization counterparts, these supported slavery and colonialism and today, neocolonialism using several tools to keep ‘new markets’ like Africans consuming, not what is produced in Africa like Posho and Beans and Local chicken but Dates (entende), shariats, jewels, and incense made by Arabian farmers and producers, but cannot be fully consumed at the product origin. I see chocolates made in UAE, a desert, in Ugandan supermarkets but not from Uganda, a tropical paradise.
For example, why should more and more Factories that manufacture clothes be built even in a third world country yet we are aware that the those who are advanced are suffering from over production of almost any good and service you can imagine.
Over production in England is what causes imperialism and colonialism and it’s offshoot, neocolonialism which is represented by it’s cat’s paw called Foreign Capital (FDIs, donor aid , conditional grants, high interest IMF and World Bank Loans).
Over production is what happens to Ugandan Sugar and Milk industries hence causing DEFLATION which is sometimes worse than INFLATION to emerging markets as it invites. Ugandan milk and sugar cane farmers can only survive by exporting to a foreign market or colonizing the foreign market which refuses these products.
That’s how modern Economics now promoted in Africa by the West actually works. There is no ‘good ending” for the weak ultimately as the developing world has remained ‘developing’ now since independence with the exception a few Asian Nations like South Korea and Singapore. Vietnam is still developing even today. Same with China in theory.
So few Africans can understand what I have just written yet they need to so as to be able to consciously participate in Politics and Economics which inturn will determine the direction of emerging cultures.
Economics aside, infact am sure that the Africans in Biafra and Ambazonia still do not understand and don’t want to know what a NATION or Republic is.
This is the actual current situation generally across the continent.
Even the Fulani herdman or Yoruba who claims to be a Nigerian national can barely sing the Nigeria national anthem but he knows the Yoruba folktales and oral records to dot.
But before you blame any African for not actively participating in Nationalism we must remember where they came from just a few decades ago. It’s very highly likely that all African Countries as new Nations were merely FORCED upon already working and stable societies that had thrived for millions of years in Africa,,,,without the consultation of the Majority of Africans, which is called democracy,,,,but now someone is telling the Majority of Africans to come and participate in the building of that system which was not created using democratic means.
Who drew the border between Uganda and Kenya and who of us was consulted? So why should an African in these countries proceed to VOTE for anything that supports such illegitimate non democratically designed systems? No. Am asking .
For beginners, Africans have never really accepted or adopted their borders, so called unifying emblems, Currency (money,,,maybe that’s why we don’t have it), English or French as National languages, their Political systems etc someone just sat somewhere and decided for them and even wrote a national anthem for them.
That’s the kind of system we expect conquered Rural African villagers to adopt with open arms,, and VOTE in Record numbers to legitimize such a system that their traditions seem to conflict with even today. No wonder in Uganda the Number of Voters who register and stay at home can fill up London homes. This means they are somehow not taking the activity serious, for if they were they would all Vote.
Therefore I predict that in Uganda and Africa-wide, the Number of Voters of “Republic/National things” will continue To Diminish until one day the President of the Central Government shall be voted by only his EXs as even the wife will have become a fully Pan African community citizen. But even when the masses openly decline to participate, the WEST will always urge their Central government partner to organize Elections well knowing that the masses still Don’t Understand the concept due to lack of Information (education) and contradictions with their old age customs which are actually very successful.
General Museveni loves to poke fun at Traditional Chiefs who LOST to invading Western Colonialists for being inefficient and divided. But he does not admit the fact that the same societies again soon Defeated the invaders as is.
To potray the Chiefs as Jogoo (masquerading cocks) which Lost till today is a misrepresentation of what is happening even today in Africa. Today, that Jogoo still Exists and his/her systems are still Powering The MAJORITY of African lives, NOT the Protection and Economics and security as well as modern Sciences of the Central Government republics set up by Foreigners for their own benefit and future strategies after independence which was won by Traditional heroes such as Kabalega, Chief Awich, Mai Mai And Maji Maji traditionalists etc BUT soon Hijacked by Eastern Thinking African Adventurers thanks to Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky, Mao Zedong etc. Because these newly set up African systems that merely took over and never improved what was, appeared to work from 1950 to current, this does not imply that TIME has stopped moving.
Uganda in 1963 refused to join the EAC simply because of this fact. The Jogoos asked “What shall be of our Nations”, and walked away when they never got a clear answer. Apparently, Nyerere simply wanted all these Nations that had just defeated the intruders to join a NEW REPUBLIC called the East African Community which the MAJORITY of Black Africans in Uganda had still not understood..
The solutions to the unification of Africa are therefore in the above challenges, not Democracy, EAC meetings and building roads in Congo passing territory of 30 independent chiefs who dont care what DR Congo means as a country. Go to Congo and tell me if that is practically One Nation with the same Vision.
Even today, much as Uganda appears to function like a democratic republic where all Citizens make National Decisions with centralized Democratic republic control, the reality is that the Majority of Ugandans are being led by Traditional chiefs, doctors, mid wives, surgeons, religions, languages, socio economic paths and the Illegally created border landlocked enclave is like a Federation of over a hundred Independent Federal States each with a successful Traditional Leadership, cultures and even aspirations for growth and development.
Infact to demonstrate that Uganda is still ruled by Traditional clan Courts to chiefs and Kings and elders and not the Republic leaders, you that even with fast rise of Capitalism, most LAND, which is a pivotal factor in National Production, is still Owned by the Communities.
Is this the same case as in Japan, America, Sweden?? So how can their version National Democracy (nation building) work here as it works there when here, we already have eternal working governments, albeits non competitive in the global arena but sufficient enough to cause the Highest Population Growth rate in modern times. If African rurals were not eating well, everyone should have died , not expanded to the forecasted 2 billion people by 2100. Simple logic.
Above 80% of Africans still live and thrive fairly well in rural communities still led by traditional African medicine, politics and even economics. Such humans careless about who or what is in charge central power that may be having little or no vivid impact on their lives. This lot can therefore be motivated to Vote but not on principles but rather by availing to them what would make their lives have some meaning e.g soap, bull roasting, waragi etc.
However when such a lot in the long run observes no meaningful reasons to change their lives or that which surround their communities, they cease to participate in Voting (making a general choice).
Works like PDM have enabled monetization of the Ugandan rural economy and enabled most to be inspired at Parish level, to seek not just merely Food, soap and water, but long lasting solutions to “cashless-ness” as well.
Politicians who proceed to campaign for the 2026 offices shall therefore be facing a more entrepreneurial population than the ones they faced in 2021. They must be ready to answer questions such as “How many factories, how many jobs have you created or do you plan to create in this village, we need Market for these Mangoes which rot in this village but you have brought us Salt and Onions, etc etc
These are some of the positive impacts of such programs generated by the NRM Manifesto of this 2021-2026 that nobody wants to talk about.
All the Ugandan rural communities need is FREE or EASY Cash (low interest loans) at rural level to stimulate rural economic growth and urbanization.
Since the government needs to borrow Cash from the SAME places that the Citizens go to borrow e.g Commerical Banks, Bills and Bonds, taxes etc, the Main problem of majority of Ugandans that hinder socio-economic transformation is therefore simply LACK OF CASH that is caused by High rates of Inflation due to global and domestic financial indiscipline.
It means whatever is printed is Wasted by a MINORITY of spending elites and hence cash can’t be printed for the Majority at low interest rates as this would worsen the inflation (Fiscal hands tied due to indiscipline).
However if the government can continue sparing some money like it has been done for Emyooga, PDM, UDB, Covid 19 recovery funds etc, there shall soon be a total equitable distribution of the Factors of Production in Uganda.
Through continuing to support and fund agricultural irrigation plans, total elimination of duties and taxes on all Agricultural goods whether they will be re exported, availing of proper climate-smart farming technologies and modern farm tools such as Tractors and combined harvesters to these RURAL community farming GROUPS, Uganda will become a Modern Nation by 2040, with or without Democracy, Patriotism or a United African state as we all hope. Humans need only Money.
Then the rest will follow. A poor man from Uganda attempting to unite with a rich man from south Africa into one Nation will only end up in UGEXIT not only of Uganda from United States of Africa but Alur Kingdom from Uganda.
The author is Prof Jago Minyang Makombo Asiimwe, a Pan African Historian, Political Economy theorist, Global Strategist at the Africa continental Unity Party -ACUP and the Asst. RDC of Masindi District of Uganda.
Disclaimer: As UG Reports Media LTD, we welcome any opinion from anyone if it’s constructive for the development of Uganda. All the expressions and opinions in this write-up are not those of UG Reports Media Ltd. but of the author of the article.
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