Boy child neglect concerns West Nile stakeholders
Matua further says parents need to take on their responsibilities at family level since the children are in their hands.

Terego: Stakeholders in West Nile have raised concern about neglecting boys, which has resulted in the various crimes that are being experienced within the community.
A number of nongovernmental organizations and community-based organizations have come up with programs aimed at promoting girl child education in the various communities that live with boys.
Erema Vicent, the LC3 chairperson in Uriama subcounty in Terego district, says much as the focus has been put on girl children, the future of girls is at the end reigned by the boys who were neglected.
He calls for equal empowerment so that both can have a better future, stressing that empowered women will be in the hands of unenabled men, who will at the end become nuisances.
One of the concerns of citizens in Arua City is that if the city council continues to support girl children while neglecting boy children, the number of young mothers will increase, which seems like a waste of resources.
The assistant resident city commissioner of Arua City, Matua, Richard says there is also a also a need to think of the boy child because the girl child ends up in the hands of the boy child.
He says the boy child ends up getting involved in criminal activities, and the empowered girl child finds trouble when she decides to get married because she ends up marrying a thief or a useless man in the community.
Matua further says parents need to take on their responsibilities at family level since the children are in their hands.
As the boy-child grows to manhood, he is faced with a diversity of challenges, such as domestic violence, among others, and the burden of providing a livelihood for the family as father and husband, even when the wife earns more than the husband.
The boy child deserves the right to health, education & protection from exploitation.
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