
Bobi Wine, UFC alliance already weeping, his dwindled support exposed in another failed gig

This is a question that lingers in the heads of many Ugandans. I think it's a sign to show that the non-essential leaders no longer believe in him.

By Guest Writer

Opinion: There is some stubbornness about President Museveni that makes him never bear to be frightened at the will of others. His courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate him and the “Wanainch.”

After the United Forces of Change (UFC) declared protests and failed to create impact, citizens and the international community have realized the drastic fall of fame by mostly Kyagulanyi, who has been lying to them that Gen. Museveni has weakened and his government will fall soon before 2026.

I and the other four researchers decided not to follow just reports from the press and media. We devoted our time and resources to knowing the real strength of the UFC and Bobi Wine in public.

We drove through Kampala and the whole metropolitan area up to the south central districts of Mpigi, Kalungu, Masaka, Kyotera, Rakai, Lyantonde, and Lwengo before heading back to Busoga to witness what would really happen in Iganga on the 22nd.

Indeed, it was a taste of time for the legendary president and the security, given that the proclamation came at a critical time when the country was hosting two huge conferences of NAM and G77+China. However, the circumspect old political tactician just snagged the opportunity and came out victorious as the new chairman of both organizations, outmanoeuvring the detraction of his political foes.

As usual, security forces ensured the safety of citizens and visitors. However, important to note is that there was no scuffle that warranted teargas or engagement with the wanainch and the faded politicians.

Amidst the deployment of security at Kyagulanyi’s Magere-based home, Bobi Wine was peacefully let out of his home to join his supporters in Kampala City, something he later wanted to build on to lie to the people that he used mysterious tricks to beat the security out of his home.

I want to thank Ugandans who mind their businesses and shun the egocentric group. Bobi Wine traversed various parts of Kampala, hoping to live up to his reputation of previous crowd-pulling. To our amusement, he was accompanied by a group of about 20 people. He failed to attract the usual crowds he had in the initial stages of his political career. This justified the assumption that initially, people were interested in seeing Bobi Wine, the musician.

We don’t have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in the process of change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world. Kyagulanyi’s actions are contrary to this. He planted a few banana suckers, visited some ghetto areas, and paid homage to the late Paul Kafero’s grave, but it didn’t work out for him.

People completely boycotted him. In a dramatic bizarre, he resorted to seeking attention specifically by provoking the police to cause confrontation and chaos so that he could pick up the sympathy of the people, but security ignored him.

This exposed him further. To make matters worse, he was shunned by his fellow party leaders like Nambeshe, Segona, Abed Bwanika, Namboze, Mufumbiro, Kyebakutika, etc., who were not seen anywhere mobilizing or espousing those activities. Even his secretary general, Rubongoya,tried to plant one sucker, but no one bothered or cheered him.

If you neglect to exercise self-control, you are not only likely to injure others but also sure to injure yourself. He feared the Basoga would expose and undress him before the world on January 22, the day he was supposed to take his protests to Iganga, the central district of Busoga. Instead, he cowardly posted on his social media channels while posing and traveling in a taxi, another jig that totally failed to attract even ten people. This was the last straw in his back, which demonstrated that his political light bulb went off.

Aware of further disappointments, his secretary general announced the suspension of protests earlier in the day, citing weak reasons. They detected total embarrassment in the northern district of Lira the following day, after Iganga.

The embarrassed Bobi Wine had no alternative other than returning to his Magere-based residence peacefully. He convened a press conference where he consoled himself with his usual hide and seek lies to a few of his believers. In a hopeless attempt at explanation, the pain of frustration made him quench his anger by attacking the UN secretary general.

What does it mean for Bobi Wine’s protests to be shunned by the majority of NUP Members of Parliament?

This is a question that lingers in the heads of many Ugandans. I think it’s a sign to show that the non-essential leaders no longer believe in him. They feel betrayed by him.

They see someone riding on them to make money from the Western donors to enrich himself, his family, and a few close associates. It’s also a signal that they believe in the Marshall General of the world.

Similarly, as it’s said, “Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone.” Is the saying that late Yasin Kauma’s widow, former Kyagulanyi’s driver, is fulfilling? Of late, she confessed to the world that all politicians (Bobi Wine included) forgot  and abandoned them. This must have further opened the eyes of many Ugandans who were being hoodwinked by the fickle Bobi Wine.

I predict that the UFC and its actors are already weeping. It’s already a total flop. Brilliant people like Mugisha Muntu, Winnie Kiiza, Besigye, etc. should be regretting it, and I predict they will quit very soon.

“I am not given to finding fault, for there are innumerable fools.” Plato.

The author is George Mubiru, a Jinja-based researcher and NRM mobilizer.

Disclaimer: As UG Reports Media LTD, we welcome any opinion from anyone if it’s constructive for the development of Uganda. All the expressions and opinions in this write-up are not those of UG Reports Media Ltd. but of the author of the article.

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