Attack on Speaker Among is one veiled attempt to keep Iteso away from key government positions
Casting Speaker Among in bad light while not giving answers to those and a number of other questions to me tantamount to an unwarranted attack on Among and on us as Iteso.

Op-Ed: From my Bukedea point of view, the parliamentary exhibition is one veiled attempt by jealous and selfish people who think Iteso doesn’t deserve to be in key government positions.
The activists holding this so-called exposition appear to have only come into the fray as hired assassins to execute the mission first, through malice and negative propaganda on behalf of those aiming for offices in Parliament.
Plainly, you can see this with the choice of activists hired into the game, like Kakwenza, a bloody mouth who has been excommunicated from Ugandan society for negativity towards life, with his only positives being whispers to homosexuals.
While such an exhibition, if held in good faith, would have become a perfect idea of putting checks and balances [if any] into the parliamentary expenditure, it has grossly fallen short and rather turned into a game of witch hunt aimed at the person of Anita Among and a few Parliamentary staff.
The bad thing is that the hired assassins have already easily fallen into their game, as many Ugandans, including Members of Parliament, have chosen to turn a deaf ear towards them as a matter of fact; the real motive is just about personal attack.
By parading doubtful figures on social media, the assassins [exhibitors] last week celebrated their shot, which was poorly aimed towards the Speaker. It was amiss because they did not tell us where the Speaker had erred.
Dwelling on doctored figures and the act of her junior staff withdrawing the funds is a misjudgment by the likes of Agatha and Spire, who are purposely learned fellows. They simply forgot the basics of explaining the gap and did not quote any law broken by those they accuse.
While I closely followed the social media campaign, it’s evident that the major concern eating up the sadists is that while Speaker, Among has been able to support communities, attracting praise from across the country.
This, to me, should have also generated appreciation for parliamentary CSR from these social media twigs instead of ridicule.
Truth be told, all the money allocated to Parliament in every financial year needs to be spent and fully accounted for in accordance with the laws of the land. That entitlement is not only bestowed on Parliament but on every department of government.
In that case, can someone explain to me which crime it is for delegated junior officers to hold money in any institution and use it rightfully to implement the activities of that institution? Which law has Parliament broken while implementing its CSR activities?
Casting Speaker Among in bad light while not giving answers to those and a number of other questions to me tantamount to an unwarranted attack on Among and on us as Iteso.
The portrayal of Speaker Among as a thief is not only an insult to her in person but a direct attack on all the Iteso.
The people of Teso know Speaker Anita Among, also the Bukedea District Woman Member of Parliament, as a person of high integrity, a pure heart, and highly patriotic. It is the very reason she was the only MP in the region to be sent to parliament unopposed in the 2021 general elections.
The attack therefore pelted towards her firstly paints a sectarian view point because in the last 20 years, as other people held the same Parliamentary office, its budget grew almost every financial year and money was spent without questions or scrutiny. Whereas public scrutiny is welcome, why have some people only poked their noses when it’s Among’s turn in the seat?
Much as I don’t want to point fingers, the choreographic smear campaign and its magnitude have not been seen before, consequent to the fact that an Atesot was not holding the office.
Meanwhile, a closer look into the matter also portrays that these attacking Ms. Among are also aided by moles from within Parliament and/or an inside hand from Teso, especially Bukedea, where the Speaker hails from. God will surely punish such traitors.
While Iteso has for years sat back watching without being on the high table of the national cake, President Museveni recently rewarded their patience by offering them some front-row seats. As we still celebrate with gratitude as Iteso, a jealous hand draws from behind, targeting one of our own, just as the food is being served.
Many of us consider this current attack on Ms. Among as also a direct attack on President Museveni and the choice of leaders he chooses to lead this country, and this to us, Iteso, is unacceptable.
As a tribe, as we still verify ‘amijit’ amongst ourselves, we should now rally together to fight off the enemy. An attack on Speaker Among and President Museveni is an attack on us all!
The author is David Oduut, a media practitioner and son of Bukedea.
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