Masindi: CCCC road workers protest over delayed pay
They claimed that each time they engage their boss about their payment, they are told there is no money.

Masindi: Movement paralyzed along different roads in Masindi town, Masindi district, as the workers of China Communications Construction Company (CCCC), a road construction company, protested the alleged non-payment by their bosses.
The workers are part of those working on the roads that the company is constructing in Masindi town under the Kisanja-Para road project.
According to the residents of the area, close to 20 workers staged a protest in Kihande 2 cell, Masindi central division, on Saturday, blocking different roads with their tools, including wheelbarrows and drums, on top of burning other objects on the roads.
The residents told this publication that this paralyzed the movement along the roads for several minutes, prompting the police to fire tear gas to disperse the protestors and later remove the barricades from the roads.
The workers claimed that they have gone several months without payment, forcing them to resort to the protest after failing to be paid through peaceful means.
They claimed that each time they engage their boss about their payment, they are told there is no money.
We could not get a comment from the company on the matter as its public relations manager could not be reached at the time of filing this story.
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