
Kasese School seeks over Shs200 million to construct more classroom blocks

According to the head teacher, the school has an enrollment of 615 learners who have fewer classrooms to accommodate them.

By Obed Kithende

Kasese: Kogere Primary School in Kigoro Cell Nyamwamba Division, Kasese Municipality, is seeking over 200 million shillings to construct more classroom blocks and fence the institution.

Mrs. Lavinya Kabugho, the school head teacher, revealed the need on Sunday at a donor’s conference that was held at the school, aimed at soliciting for the funds.

According to the head teacher, the school has an enrollment of 615 learners who have fewer classrooms to accommodate them.

She also says they want to fence the school to prevent strangers from accessing it since they have been vandalizing school properties.

Rev. Asa Masereka Kiryaghe, the South Rwenzori Diocese Education Officer, challenged the community not only to wait for the government to provide everything but also to contribute as local donors for the betterment of the communities.

The educationist also asked parents to embrace taking their children to school since it pays.

Ven. Alfred Mugisha, the Archdeacon Kasese Archdeaconary described parents who take their children to school as people who are saving since education can pay back, urging parents to make sure children go to school, stay, and complete school.

Mr. Leonard Imanishimwe, the Executive Uganda Youth Forum from the office of the First Lady, donated one million in his written speech that was delivered by Mr. Neckson Thaheramboko, courting community members to fight against early marriage among school-going children.

He also emphasized the need for community members to embrace integrating developmental initiatives into their communities for development, including schools and health centers, among others.

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