For God and My Country. You and Who?
For GOD and my Country? Which God? All our GODS? But mine is Kibuuka and Jajja Mwanga,,, can we also come to the Party as Ugandans?

Op-Ed: The beginning of Wisdom is not the knowledge of a Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, African or Jewish or Indian God. It’s simply the Acknowledgment of the Divinity within you.
All humans have a divine instinct that seeks to answer questions out of the physical, albeit with disastrous impacts on Nature and mankind.
It’s only positive to believe in a Divine factor that enables COMMON good of all, but this has never been the case with ‘Godism”. If all believers were paying taxes, not stealing, not fornicating etc ofcourse the state would benefit.. , but I know of a sect of Pentacostalism in Uganda that does not use Mobile money and they call it Evil and Satanic in the name of Jesus. This is where their Discovery of ‘wisdom’ has led them to. Smartphones , No sending emails etc. Hallelujah!!
The issue with the common statement I have just amended above is that to man, the concept of Divinity is as diverse as the definition of Evil.
To some GOD somewhere , sacrificing human beings is fine, to another, castrating them is okey, to another, circumcising them would be fair.
To another evil, stealing and leaving transport money for the Victim is good evil, while to another human demon, stealing money from the poor or rich to give to the poor is fine.
To therefore blatantly and confidently state that “God is wisdom”, one must proceed to tell us which God exactly otherwise he should keep his personal tribal myths peacefully to himself.
For GOD and my Country? Which God? All our GODS? But mine is Kibuuka and Jajja Mwanga,,, can we also come to the Party as Ugandans?
If not,,, the truth is that the ‘knowledge’ of such Divinity was and has always been the beginning of all Foolishness for mankind, many a times who destroyed Mankind and even civilizations because of this ‘wisdom’ in the name of that godly wisdom..
History of Man is littered with billions of Stupid Human murders and genocide because of THAT ‘wise god’, most times gods. They usually begin as one, and end up with the son God, mother God, sister God etc ,, until a new one emerges as The Reformation and Islamization of Man did in the Middle ages showed. Now , HALF of man believes in ALLAH and the other half believes in ALAHA (God in Jesus’s language Aramaic) ….and we are all Wise, aren’t we? Or are we?
This leads us to only one fact which is true as a fact of matter of everything you hear today about KNOWLEDGE. That the Knowledge that EVERYTHING you were told is MOSTLY made up up ancient emotional biased ethnically divisive LIES,,,,, is the Beginning of wisdom. Those who think they are already wise can never learn anything new or even factual.
The universe is full of 99% mysteries as a Fact of Science and no man can tell the Origin of anything they never made. It is always wiser to keep the mind that Open and commonly FOOLISH as it enables a fresh new template to absorb more lies and truths and to initiate curiosity, human creativity and new discoveries.
These things of leaving all wisdom to ‘God’ will never work. Ugandans must be careful with their motto. It’s a big lying coercive foreign cooked trap.
The author is Jago Minyang Makombo, an AfroSocialist Pan African theologian, Historian and philosopher ..
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