Civic mentors on strengthening citizens’ engagements in elections trained
The trainees will also mobilize citizens to actively participate in political conversations and demand accountability from their leaders.

Masindi: The Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE), a national women’s rights non-governmental organization, has trained civic mentors in the Bunyoro region on strengthening citizens’ engagement in elections.
The training, which attracted civil mentors from Masindi, Hoima, and Kiryandongo districts, was held at the LADO hotel in Masindi town recently.
The trainees will engage citizens in their respective areas, especially youth, women, and PWDs, to raise awareness about their rights, the electoral system, and the significance of voting, emphasizing the importance of active engagement in the electoral process.
The trainees will also mobilize citizens to actively participate in political conversations and demand accountability from their leaders.
Ms. Moureen Kyomuhendo, Programs Officer at FOWODE, said that the trainees will start engaging citizens in their respective areas.
Moreen said the major aim is to encourage citizens to gain confidence to actively participate and vote for capable leaders in the next general elections.
Phiona Mawungo, one of the trainees from Kirandongo district, says the training has helped them gain knowledge about the electrochemical process in Uganda.
Moses Mukonyezi, another trainee from Lugazi village in Budongo Sub County, says he will use the knowledge gained to educate other locals.
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