
Over 100 households benefit from PDM in Buliisa

More than 171 households in Buliisa District have
benefitted from Parish Development Model (PDM) fund.
In an exclusive interview with this publication this afternoon,
the Buliisa District Commercial Officer, Mr. Dison Kasisaki
said that an amount of 1,761,393,000 has been dispersed to
1,971 households, with 1,003 being male and 968 being female
‘’A total of 1,761,393,000 has been dispersed to 1,971
households, with 1,003 being male and 968 being female
beneficiaries,’’ he disclosed.

Kasisaki noted that, all the parishes have been addressed, except
Mubaku Parish in Ngwedo Sub County, which has just recently
also received the funds.

‘’All the parishes has been addressed, except Mubaku Parish in
Ngwendo Sub County which has just recently received the
funds,’’ he added.
The District Commercial Officer urged the beneficiaries to
utilize the money wisely in order to fulfill the government's aim
of eradicating poverty through improving on household income.
The technocrat advised members to embrace the program.
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