
NFA, residents agree on Kangombe Forest Reserve boundary re-demarcation

He also requested maximum cooperation during the boundary-opening exercise.

By Our Reporter

Kagadi: The National Forestry Authority (NFA) and residents have agreed to kick off the re-demarcation exercise in Kangombe Forest Reserve, effective next week.

The resolution was reached on Thursday during the sensitization meeting held in Nsugasugi LC1 in Kanyangoma Parish, Kagadi Sub County, Kagadi District.

Edward Senyonjo, the Coordinator of Inventory and Surveys in the NFA, said they will work with residents on the re-demarcation of Kangombe Forest in order to avoid conflicts between NFA officials and residents.

He also requested maximum cooperation during the boundary-opening exercise. ‘’I’m requesting maximum cooperation during the boundary opening exercise,’’ he requested.

The LC3 Chairperson of Kagadi subcounty, Birungi Matia, asked residents to use forests for beekeeping instead of cutting down trees.

Speaking to this publication after the meeting, residents welcomed the idea of working together with the NFA to demarcate the boundaries of Kagombe Forest, saying this would end conflicts.

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