Kongunga town council offices reopened on the condition of transferring the town clerk
On Monday, the councilors took action to lock the office of the town clerk, Emmanuel Elimu, on allegations of being incompetent and corrupt.

By George Emuron
Bukedea: The offices of the Kongunga town council in Bukedea district have finally been reopened after the interventions of the district chairperson, resident district commissioner, and chief administrative officer.
On Monday, the councilors took action to lock the office of the town clerk, Emmanuel Elimu, on allegations of being incompetent and corrupt.
Hellen Akurut, Kongunga town council speaker, told ugreports.co.ug that the decision was agreed upon after a heated attack on the chief administrative officer, Mairia Joseph Mukasa, by the community members.
Mairia Joseph Mukasa, the Bukedea chief administrative officer, said his office received the councilors’ grievances and will address them.
‘’I received the grievances of some councilors, and I will address them,’’ he added.
Mary Akol, the Bukedea district chairperson, says the offices were reopened on condition that the new town clerk be transferred.
On Monday this week, a total of 21 angry councilors in Kongunga town council locked the office of the town clerk, Emmanuel Elimu, accusing him of being incompetent and corrupt.
Hellen Akurut, the town council speaker, together with other councilors, said the town clerk’s office will not be opened until they get a new town clerk.
Last year, they demonstrated to the district demanding Mr. Elimu be transferred, but we were told to hold an update this year. Now, on Monday, they resolved to lock him out of the office.
The accused, Mr. Elimu, however, insisted that the councilors took illegal action to lock his office without his knowledge.
This prompted him to rush to the Kachumbala police station to make a statement since his office was locked without his knowledge.
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