
Hoima councilors cautioned to refrain from hatred

He said that the training is timely because most councilors don’t know their roles.

By Flavia Ajok

Hoima: Councilors in Hoima district have been cautioned to refrain from deliberating on personalities and hatred but rather consider issues that develop the people they represent.

This was revealed on Monday during the induction training of the councilors from Kabaale Sub County held at the Glory Summit Hotel, sponsored by Reproductive Health Uganda.

Charles Komakech, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of Hoima District, said that the training is timely because most councilors don’t know their roles.

According to Komakech, there are conflicts and fights between LCVs and CAOs in some districts because some councilors don’t know where they are supposed to stop or be in their lane.

He cautioned the councilors to refrain from discussing personalities during council meetings but rather discuss issues that develop their subcounty.

During the same induction training, Patricia Mandera, the Reproductive Health Uganda gender and youth officer, explained that they are implementing a promise program in Hoima to improve sexual reproductive health services and the policy environment in Uganda.

Mandera says they have a target of working with the duty bearer among the technical and political teams to build their capacity on GBV, laws, and policies.

She adds that as RHU, they noticed there was a gap among councilors on council proceedings and rules of law, thus the need for information through induction since they are the voice of the voiceless in council and make by-laws too.

Solomon Businge, the senior assistant town clerk, Hoima, while facilitating during the induction, told councilors the dos and don’ts of the councilors while in a council session.

Businge says among these are the dress code of a councilor, which is very key, the person not holding two political posts at the same time, and procedures on how to deliberate in council meetings.

Hassan Kugoza, the LC III Kabaale subcounty, revealed that he joined hands with Zacchaeus Asiimwe, the Kabaale sub county chief, to lobby for today’s induction training from the RHU since it was so hard for the councilors to deliberate in council and others didn’t even know how to address themselves in council meetings.

Godfrey Byaruhanga and Immaculate Businge, all councilors from Kabaale sub-county, appreciated RHU for the induction training, saying before you find a councilor colliding with the technical team or even the chairman just because they didn’t know their roles.

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