
Buliisa farmers receive 2,000 tree seedlings

The planted trees will contribute to environmental protection, helping mitigate the effects of climate change.

Buliisa: Farmers in the oil-rich Buliisa district in Albertine grabben on Friday 2,000 free tree seedlings.

The distribution initiative was led by Biiso FM Radio 97.8 in partnership with Tasha Research Institute and Dolica Adventist Community Initiative.

The distribution aims to mitigate the challenges posed by climate change.

The distributed seedlings include various tree species, such as pine, Musizi, and mahogany.

The National Forestry Authority (NFA) is supporting this environmental sustainability initiative.

Mr. William Ugen Rwoth from Biiso town council expressed happiness, emphasizing that the trees will serve as a valuable resource for firewood and timber.

The planted trees will contribute to environmental protection, helping mitigate the effects of climate change.

Kaija Mugungu encouraged the youth to actively embrace tree planting, recognizing its importance. ‘’The youth should actively embrace tree planting and recognize its importance.’’

Ikiriza Zephania, the programs director at Biiso FM Radio, said that the tree seedlings have been distributed under the campaign family tree and it aims at reducing pressure on government forests by planting woodlots at home.

He therefore challenged the beneficiaries to ensure that the distributed trees are nurtured and grown.

Ikiriza noted that the initiative aligns with the climatic changes observed in the district. ‘’This initiative aligns with the climatic changes observed in the district.’’

Amos Tumukunde, representing the NFA manager for the Biiso branch, applauded the community for embracing tree planting.

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