
Honoring Hon. Balaam Barugahara: A Minister of the Youth

By doing so, he taps directly into the real issues affecting the youth.

Op-Ed: In today’s ever-evolving society, the youth face numerous challenges and uncertainties, requiring not just leadership but genuine commitment to their needs and aspirations.

It is in this context that profound gratitude should be given to Hon. Balaam Barugahara, a minister who has shown unwavering dedication to the youth of Uganda. Hon. Balaam has redefined the role of a youth minister, going beyond the confines of his office to make a real, lasting impact on the lives of young people across the country.

Day by day, Hon. Balaam has traversed the entire nation, mobilizing and sensitizing the youth with all his energy and passion. What sets him apart is his relentless drive to reach every corner of Uganda, listening to the voices of the young, regardless of their political backgrounds.

He is truly a minister for all youth, whether they support the National Resistance Movement (NRM) or are members of the opposition. His vision is clear every youth matter, and every voice deserves to be heard.

One of the most remarkable examples of Hon. Balaam’s devotion was seen during the Youth Empowerment Rally in Masindi on September 20, 2024 where President Yoweri Museveni was the chief guest. While the event was significant in itself, what made it truly special was Hon. Balaam’s decision to spend two consecutive nights with the youth before and after the function.

He didn’t leave after the formal speeches or the media coverage he stayed with the youth, engaging them directly, answering their questions, and hearing their concerns and entertaining them. This kind of dedication is unparalleled. Which another minister has ever done such a thing?

Hon. Balaam’s leadership is not based on ceremony or title; it is based on his deep-rooted belief in the potential of Uganda’s youth. He is not a leader who sits above, but one who levels himself with the very people he represents.

By doing so, he taps directly into the real issues affecting the youth, ensuring that their concerns are heard, understood, and addressed. It is through this empathetic approach that he can prioritize the challenges facing young Ugandans and come up with solutions that truly matter.

The youth of Uganda have had many ministers before, but none like Balaam Barugahara. He embodies a new kind of leadership one that does not look at the youth as a political tool but as the backbone of the nation’s future. His efforts go beyond policies and speeches; they are actions driven by a genuine desire to uplift and empower.

Hon. Balaam’s hands-on leadership style is what makes him the real Minister for the youth. He understands that the only way to create a resilient and focused youth generation is to connect with them on a personal level.

His willingness to spend time with young people, to listen to their struggles, and to work on solutions that directly address their needs, will shape a generation that is not only empowered but also ready to lead Uganda into a prosperous future.

As we thank Hon. BalamBarugahara for his extraordinary stewardship, we are reminded of the crucial role he plays in ensuring the youth are not left behind. His dedication serves as a beacon of hope, a reminder that leadership is about service, about being present, and about genuinely caring for the people you represent. His example should inspire other leaders to go beyond the call of duty, to engage with the people on the ground, and to work tirelessly for the betterment of all.

Thank you, Hon. Balaam Barugahara, for being the minister who truly represents the youth. Your energy, commitment, and genuine connection with the young people of Uganda are unparalleled, and for that, we are deeply grateful. The future of Uganda’s youth is brighter because of leaders like you, and we look forward to the positive impact your continued efforts will bring.

In you, we have not just a leader but a true champion of youth empowerment. May your exemplary leadership continue to inspire, uplift, and transform Uganda’s youth for generations to come.

The author is Asaph Blair Gumisiriza (Bitarabe), a concerned citizen from Ntambazi-Kazo District.

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Disclaimer: As UG Reports Media LTD, we welcome any opinion from anyone if it’s constructive for the development of Uganda. All the expressions and opinions in this write-up are not those of UG Reports Media Ltd. but of the author of the article. Would you like to share your opinion with us? Please send it to this email: theugreports@gmail.com.

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