
28 remanded for attempted arson

Exhibits, including petrol and matchboxes, were recovered.

Arua: Twenty-eight individuals find themselves in a legal quagmire, accused of criminal trespass and attempted arson at Adumi Secondary School in Ayivu West Division, Arua City.

The incident unfolded on April 15, 2024, around 12:15 p.m.

A group of boda boda riders from Lia Trading Center allegedly trespassed onto the premises of Adumi Secondary School.

They believed that one of their fellow riders had been attacked by the students of the school and reportedly intended to burn down the school.

The incident was promptly reported to the police by Sister Matilda Apekuru, the headteacher of Adumi Secondary School.

A team of officers from Lia police station swiftly responded to the crime scene.

They were later joined by the Field Force Unit (FFU) officers from Arua City Central Business Division.

Twenty-eight suspects were apprehended and transferred to the Ayivu West Police Division for further investigation.

Exhibits, including petrol and matchboxes, were recovered.

Witness statements were recorded, and motorcycles used by the Bodaboda suspects were impounded.

A case file detailing the criminal trespass and attempted arson was compiled.

The case was forwarded to the resident state attorney for sanctioning.

On Monday, April 22, 2024, the 28 suspects were taken to court to answer the charges.

Josephine Angucia, the West Nile Regional Police Spokesperson, issued a stern reminder.

She urged community members not to take the law into their own hands.

Destroying public institutions like secondary schools due to the mistakes of a few is not only criminal but also detrimental to the general public, which relies on these institutions.

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