
NRM political journey Vs Museveni’s legacy since 1986

Op-Ed: The construction of Koboko – Yumbe – Moyo Road by Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Roninah Nabbanja.

What a dream come true to witness and be part of this significant service delivery milestone  journey !

What a remarkable day for west nile, the neighborhood alike! DRC_ Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, and the entire Nation.

Seeing the entire government leadership, our security fraternity, our galant Ministers, Westnile Members of Parliament, the entire caucus flagging and breaking the ground in unison to confirm the predicted infrastructure index ( II ) of west nile coded in reality show  a big relief and a sure sign of steady progress in NRM political landscape.

When one asks about the significance of this road, Westnile rebrands itself as a product of efficiency, a product of value, a product that has face value lifted,  a product that has economic sense, a product that has been standardized, a product that has a positive competitive advantage! A product with the highest affinity, a product will the highest reactivity series.

Meaning this particular road shall make sense in the road Network of leveraging Westnile’s as number one tourist destination in years to come because of its vicinity and proximity to well endowed mineral rich Nations of Africa, it is a geopolitical curve that shall indeed give a spontaneous and magnificent road_network.

West Nile every Uganda/Foreign and an investor must not fail to tour

A region full of business potentials and hospitality people… very accommodative and friendly people of ages.

Westnile became part of Uganda in 1914.  The traditional Districts being Arua , Moyo and Nebbi_  As a descendant of this region, specifically Arua District _ (Arua City) in particular, indeed one who has been there shall appreciate the transformational journey that the landscape is taking.

If one is wishing to construct a permanent structure that must have a taste of time, it’s plan, foundation and time frame must be well articulated, the architectural design must well annotate its key transformational framework and this ought to be Smart_ systematic / Specific, Measurable, Attainable/ Achievable, Realistic and Time bound . Henceforth, the structure shall remain a perpendicular monument for the entire generations to come and a heritage that all shall want to be associated with.

Therefore, I want to believe that time has come for those who have sight to differentiate between Darkness and Light ….those that put both convex and concave lenses as a double sight mechanism shall definitely convey the density of rays that is seen infinity in  assimilation!

Has Westnile metamorphosed from a seed sown on fertile soil by Museveni Legacy ?  Has the service delivery questions expected by the wanainch of west nile been answered…? Is it steadily being proven that the negative mindsets about the NRM political landscape is steadily balancing the boat in the middle of an ocean? Many  questions are yet to be asked and answers expected as the legacy moves on.

For those who want to know west nile better, under Museveni Legacy, is it a transition of better or worse ? Is it about bringing services nearer to the wanainch or it’s about political manipulations that many others talk about under the NRM political system!

The journey starts straight away from Arua Park in Kampala_ off Bombo road_ Kampala Gulu road, few meters away from Karuma bridge, on the western side , where the sun sets, here is a junction and  a military checkpoint, that will see those heading to Gulu / Gulu city and other Northern Districts as well as parts of Eastern.

As you branch on your left traversing thru the Murchison National park…via Nwoya District as you freely peep at the wild animals in the jungles of the thick forest and nearby the roadside.

The hissing of the snakes, cobra, green snakes, and all other species to mention but a few..this long stretch of the park is where the travellers enjoy it the most…those using both public and private means of transport. It is where you feel the beauty of nature, you breath the most excellent oxygen from contamination/ carbon …it is the place of ambiance most lovers and friends tell me that wether in the bus or in a private car, it’s when the opposite s3x automatically start obeying the law of magnetism…to see yourself through the wilderness as you now head to the Headquarters of Nyang Nyang_ gateway Pakwach bridge.

During Kony insurgency, this road was sandstorm, full of dust and muddy not tarmack …in 60s, 70s, 80, it would take one not less than five to seven days to reach Kampala. The state of the road would ensure that you spend a better time of your journey either repairing or fixing new spares before your last destination.

As the revealers and travellers use it for fun, tour and business now, it was where you say your last prayer before crossing . This is where our Arua boys/ girls lost their lives, money, wealth and their investment during Kony war. It was a gorilla hideout, recipe for disaster…full of ambushes ….it was Hell…on..Earth.

Where were our fore  leaders that some still bost of….! Power / electricity in westnile would be history now, or we would be doing upgrade….what went wrong!   these key utilities & infrastructure alike,  and key services that westnile is disadvantaged of ! would Museveni be blamed for some of our stupidity? It’s high time we the Westnilers and Northerners evaluated ourselves in terms of leadership credentials and how to work together in a common cause.

Nebbi would see itself split into additional districts ie. Zombo and Pakwach.

Arua would see itself into Koboko, Yumbe, Maracha, Madi_ Okollo, Terego, while the nuclear now becoming Arua City.

Moyo would generate to Adjumani and Obongi..

The key counties would metamorphose to Museveni Legacy is terms of service delivery, bringing services nearer to people, The time to line _up in shops to access basic needs, access education, health, and other services steadily has become history!

When my father Late Andrua A. Luke….( RIP) joined FRONASA as early as 80s, and became a key protagonist and coordinator in recruiting westnile Youth to join NRA/ NRM, he was lashed by the neighborhood and given all negative names for supporting Museveni he had not seen in his life! As a son to Rtd. Col Andrua Fedensio  who was a key brave African riffle custodian based in Mombasa and India, my late father couldn’t relent, he was never an admire of the past leadership…which was marred by hard economic situations, brutal killings of 1970s and 80s , mass disappearing of wanainch, people being killed in cold blood.

Endless suffering of women and children…! What a service! What a leadership! What pan _ African ideology! Was it a government or it a clandestine collection of tribes that were doing a syndicate governance like administration while miming its own natives and denying them of core life services. What a mindset!

My late father looked beyond clan and tribe sentiments …..as a son of an African soldier / A fighter , that fought in second world war….! He took secret coordination with Museveni Movement and recruited us to embrace the NRM ideology When the entire area was under opposition due to poor service delivery…..was it his dream or he was in a deep slumber…as a westniler…! Yet , westnile was either DP green or UPC red. Putting on yellow … Museveni’s colour was an insult …. very funny…..time can indeed pass n change….! Life is a journey indeed…! Whatever circumstances, run your race…time now and tomorrow…. it’s a legacy that comes by…

Museveni Legacy is about ” Love ” …. peace…and patience…he has treated all those who showed him his back and branded  his image with black paint with love….even blesses  them opportunities to survive…..

The road Network from Pakwach to Nebbi, Madi_Okollo,  Arua District, then Arua City, brings in a smooth path…. though the part between Pakwach_Nebbi still poses hiccups and challenges as the repairs are on going, likewise the road  between Pakwach_ Karuma has of late become a nightmare too due to heavy flow of traffic that traverse the routes to the region and neighboring countries, DRC, Central African Republic and South Sudan.

The road from Vura customs to Arua City, Maracha, Koboko to Oraba customs entering South Sudan from kaya…to former Yei River state is a direct entry.

Therefore, the road Network from Nebbi via Goli in Zombo, Paidha, Wari, to Nyapea, entry to DRC from that angle…shall give another magnificent network… whereof… connecting…Zombo via Anyavu_ Logiri and Vura would have made a curve that would see our farmers access market and a ovoid rampant accidents on these roads due to bad weather vagaries.

Consequently, the road Network…from Dubai via Ajia….Olevu to Wadulai ….is another eyes on, this makes travellers to save a lot of fuel and costs since it gives a shorter vector as one would take the longer route to reach Pakwach.

That key entry from Adumi road to Onduparaka via Ozoo, Oria, Anyara , Lia trading center to Lia customs_ entry to Ariwara Congo is very critical in economic sense!

I would suggest, let government consider to give a pavement of that road deep up to Ariwara market.

Like wise,  the Northern wing from Arua City, Mutukula road via Jiako to Awupi_ then Odramacaku is another critical road that must not be neglected. This Odramacaku road serves both the Maracha and Terego wanainch to access DRC when the Lakiragodo enclave is worked upon well.

Koboko passage via Omgbokolo entry to Congo, Bazi, Bazwe and western side of South Sudan is a key factor..

Yumbe_ Access via Mt.  kei and Kei National Forest Reserve to the newly constructed bridge on river Kaya ….a shorter entry to Juba, about 75 km is a route that the leadership should keep keen eyes to not forgetting the Yumbe_ Midigo_ Ariwa entry connecting it to Goboro then Afogi customs in Moyo.

Likewise, the Moyo leadership should have the same dream to extend an excellent network from Moyo town to Afogi as a revenue collection point.

Moyo as well has a task to make good, the entry to Obongi via Palorinya to Sinyanya_ in Obongi, connecting to Ariwa in Yumbe via Odravu sub county, Odupi in Terego District to a.k.a ” tooth can lost”_ Owaffa, Wandi to Abi_ farm, oluodri then to Manibe round about. While the Bileafe _ Ocodri corridor to Rhino Camp is in pipeline_ connecting it to Amuru….by ferry.

Adjumani via Gulu road is being under construction too, however, the road that connects it’s entry to Obongi on the Eastern side requires attention and mapping by the leadership….. though some parts are well maintained ! In future if that dream comes true, it shall give a good glory to the future generations.

Adjumani_ Elegu customs as you access Amuru, that road corridor is a very important road Network that must be in the dreams of our leaders to think about.

Terego_ to Arua, Yumbe_ Terego to Maracha via Kubala road Network is part of this dream.

Madi_Okollo entry to Yumbe via Ariwa_ Inte_ Technical Institute to Arua District via Ajia, this road is used by so many people and those who have farms there, but in most cases when it rains it becomes water logged and impassable.The leadership has a big task ahead.

With a few of these oversights mentioned, it’s high time westnile leadership took the mantle and work in unison and regardless of your political affiliations and stand together with H.E the president to deliver the needed services that matter and are very critical to transform lives of the wanainch.

Similarly, strategically lobby, advocate, build alliances in realizing that these aspirations are achievable and realistic.

Last but not least, we look forward to witnessing the long awaited power / connection of westnile to the National grid for total and absolute transformation of the people of westnile to effectively and efficiently make use of these roads as our people shall now engage in value addition, tourism , commercial agriculture,  fabrication,  and general trade with neighbors.

Museveni legacy or a dream come true

For God and My Country.

The author is Richard Andama, Chairman National Former RDCs, RCCs and Deputies Association.

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