
Masindi residents embrace environmental conservation through apiary, cook stoves

He, however, asked the ministry of water and environment to support them with a machine for making briquettes to minimize the use of firewood.

Masindi: Members of Kasubi Kabango Mubende Conservation Association (KAKAMWECA)  in Kidamuke Cell Kabango Town Council in Masindi district are embracing environmental conservation through an apiary and constructing cook stoves.

The KAKAMWECA, consisting of 15 Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs) with around 450 members, has embraced beekeeping.

Amos Byamukama, the KAKAMWECA chairperson, said that when the government came in with the idea of restoring wetlands, the community that was operating in the wetlands was sensitized on the importance of restoring the wetlands.

Byakumukama disclosed that the community admitted and shifted from cultivating in wetlands to planting trees, and recently they received six million shillings from the ministry of water and environment, and the money was received in different VSLAs.

He noted that received 60 beehives from the Ministry of Water and Environment, with 30 already colonized and expected to yield honey by October.

In addition, Byamukama says the ministry came in and trained them on how to harvest and market their honey, adding that they were also trained on how to use firewood sustainably by introducing cook stoves, and so far they have constructed 20 cook stoves and 50 members trained.

A section of group member attending the meeting.

He, however, asked the ministry of water and environment to support them with a machine for making briquettes to minimize the use of firewood.

Byamukama was recently addressing the officials from the ministry of water and environment and the district officials who had paid a courtesy visit to the group members and handed over honey harvesting equipment yesterday.

Charles Nyamutale, the Director of Network for Environment Services Initiatives Uganda Ltd., commended the Albertine Water Management Zone under the Ministry of Water and Environment, for the support and opportunity accorded to them in accomplishing this program.

Nyamutale asserted that through the district officials, they were able to zero down to KAKAMWECA and train members on how to construct cook stoves, noting that the training would continue.

William Nsimiire, the senior district environment officer who represented the CAO, said the activity of giving people beehives and cooking stoves is in line with supporting the communities with alternative livelihood options rather than degrading the fragile ecosystem.

Gerald Babi Kizito, the Senior Officer Water at the Ministry of Water and Environment, however, raised a concern about a number of members, which doesn’t reflect for the about three meetings he has been meeting the members.

He stressed that out of 450 he has always met less than 30 members for the times thus advised the group leaders to always mobilize the fellows so as to tap into more government opportunities.

Sanon Dhaala, the Deputy RDC addressing the members

Sanon Dhaala, the Deputy RDC, however, declined to hand over the beehives and cook stoves since all members were not present, stressing that the government has injected a lot of money into many initiatives but hasn’t improved household income.

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