
Kitgum residents tipped on mediation as land conflicts escalate

Meanwhile, three dead bodies have so far been discovered by the Kitgum district security.

Kitgum: Bishop Ocan Robert Tubamoi of the Chosen Evangelical Revival Church has asked the community of Acholi, and specifically Kitgum, to use mediation as a better alternative to solve the rising land conflicts in the region.

Bishop Tubamoi told this publication on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, that the rising land wrangles, with the most recent one at Mucwini, are due to the ignorance of the population, who are being manipulated by those with the potential to exploit the impoverished ones.

Hajji Marijan Walire, the deputy RDC Kitgum, on the other hand, said that these continuous attacks are against Acholi customs, where lands are designated for various purposes such as hunting, farming, grazing, and settlement.

He warned that if these conflicts persist, especially since most of these lands lack titles, the people will lose them for good.

The deputy RDC added that following the attack last Monday, a large number of people have gone missing, and the search for them is ongoing.

Walire also warned and asked political leaders to withdraw and refrain from pushing the locals for war, and he further mentioned that the land at Mucwini is extensive and there is no need to fight over it. Instead, he advocated for peace, emphasizing that the conflicts have persisted for over a decade.

The deadly attack last Monday left over 15 people injured, and one of the victims died on Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024, at Kitgum General Hospital. Meanwhile, three dead bodies have so far been discovered by the Kitgum district security.

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