
Kagadi driver who knocked protester dead remanded

The deceased was a resident of Rwensonzi Village, Mairirwe Sub County, in Kagadi district.

Kagadi: The Kagadi grade one magistrate’s court sitting in Kagadi town council on Tuesday remanded a driver of the Kagadi district chairperson for knocking one of the protesters dead.

Stephen Tibihikira, 38, a resident of Kitema Village, Mugalike Parish, Kyenzige Sub County, Kagadi District, was remanded to Mambugu government prison for causing death through reckless driving.

The court was presided over by his worship. Edward Kayukyi heard that on February 26, 2024, around 9:30 a.m., at Igurika Cell Muhorro Town Council, the driver knocked dead Tuhaise Magezi, 25.

The deceased was a resident of Rwensonzi Village, Mairirwe Sub County, in Kagadi district.

The court also heard that while driving the LC5 Chairman Ndibwami B Yosia and other occupants in the vehicle registration number UG 6998M along Muhorro-Bwikara-Ndaiga Road, Tuhaise was knocked dead due to a speed that was dangerous in public.

In dock, the accused pleaded not guilty to the charges, which compelled the court to remand him to Mambugu government prison until March 26th, this year, before the same court.

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