
Eight candidates miss UCE exams in Buliisa

A total of over 520 candidates in Buliisa District have sat for UCE Exams this year.

By Pascal Onega

Buliisa: As the Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) examinations continues, eight candidates from Buliisa District have been unable to sit for their final examinations.

The affected students whose names were not disclosed are from various schools both in upper and lower Buliisa.  They are from Butiaba Seed SS, Biiso War Memorial SS, Mukitale Development Foundation SS, Uganda Martyrs and Ngwedo seed SS.

According to the UNEB supervisor in charge of four UNEB centers in  upper Buliisa, Mr. Charles Kaliisa who doubles as the head teacher Biiso War SS, even though the examinations kicked off smoothly on Monday, six students from upper Buliisa have not turned up for their final exams stating that the reasons for their failure are still unknown.

Kaliisa noted that two are from Butiaba Seed SS, three are from Biiso War, and one is from Mukitale Development foundation SS. ‘’Two candidates are from Butiaba Seed SS, three are from Biiso War, and one is from Mukitale Development foundation SS,’’ he said.

Charles Mbabazi, the area supervisor in charge of four UNEB centers in Lower Buliisa also disclosed that only two students have failed to turn up for the exams.

Mbabazi said the two students whose names were not disclosed are from Uganda Martyrs SS and Ngwedo Seed SS.

In an interview with this publication, Sweibah Atwiine a student at Biiso War Memorial Senior Secondary school who is sitting for her UCE Exams disclosed that, the exams are going on well but said students were affected by time given by UNEB.

A total of over 520 candidates in Buliisa District have sat for UCE Exams this year.

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