
Anaka Primary School Wins 2024 Nanga Regional MDD Competition

Nwoya: Anaka Primary School from Nwoya District has won the 2024 Nanga Regional Music, Dance, and Drama (MDD) Competition, which was held at IGF’s Christian Community Church Lulojo in the Central Division of Kitgum Municipality.

Gulu Primary School and Childcare Amida Primary School secured second and third places, respectively.

Kitgum Public Primary School was ranked 4th, followed by Pageya Primary School in 5th, Panykworo Primary School in 6th, Kalongo Primary School in 7th, Lacekocot Primary School in 8th, Padibe Girls Primary School in 9th, Pagak Primary School in 10th, Kilokoitiyo Primary School in 11th, and Opit Primary School finished last in 12th position.

Anaka Primary School, Gulu Primary School, and Childcare Amida Primary School will represent the Acholi ‘Nanga’ region in the 2024 National MDD Competition in Mbale City, starting on August 26th, 2024.

Patrick, the Secretary for Education Kitgum District, praised the Kitgum District and Municipality teams for their excellent performance, noting that the 2024 MDD competition included 16 musical categories from 12 teams in the region.

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