
14 Rubanda district officials arrested for neglect of duty

He accused these officials of neglecting their responsibilities. 

Rubanda: In Rubanda district, fourteen parish chiefs and Community Development Officers (CDOs) have recently faced arrest due to their alleged negligence in carrying out their duties related to the Parish Development Model (PDM) program.

The Rubanda Deputy Resident District Commissioner, Eric Ssewandigi, issued the orders for their arrest.

According to reports, these officials failed to upload beneficiary names and details to the Parish Development Model Information System (PDMIS) during the initial disbursement of the PDM revolving fund.

The arrested parish chiefs include: Alfonsina Tumwakire (Kiyebe Parish), Dauda Kasajja (Ihanja Parish), Eric Sabiti (Butusi Ward), Atuhaire, and Sophan (Muruhinga Ward).

Others are Teodoro Bazarwagye (Kagunga Parish), Jackson Tumukwasibwe (Kishanje Parish), Andrew Nizeyimana (Kabere Parish), and Mike Kimamzi (Kashekyera Ward).

The arrested community development officers include Scarlet Kemigisha (Bubare Sub County), Hillary Byomuhangi (Habuhutu-Mugyera Town Council), and Elias Ahimbisibwe (Bufundi Sub County).

Others are Andrew Naturinda (Muko Sub County), Kwesiga Howard (Ruhija Sub County), and Deus Bareke (Butare-Katojo Town Council).

Eric Ssewandigi, the Deputy Resident District Commissioner, accused these officials of neglecting their responsibilities.

He emphasized that they would face dismissal and make way for “patriotic Ugandans” who are committed to serving the community.

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