
Terego registers surge in cases of teenage pregnancies

Last year, Terego registered the highest number of teenage pregnancies, which saw cases shoot up to 2203.

Terego: Refugee-hosting subcounties in Terego district have registered high teenage pregnancies amidst all the support they receive from various partners.

This has worried the stakeholders and called for actions to end the vice.

According to statistics obtained by this publication from the office of the senior community development officer, Viko Anjiri Bianca, Odupi Sub County, which hosts the Imvepi refugee settlement and part of the rhino camp, has the highest number of teenage pregnancies, followed by Omugo Sub County, which hosts the Omugo refugee settlement, and Uriama Sub County, which hosts part of the rhino camp refugee settlement.

Bianca says one of the challenges causing this is partners duplicating work instead of handling key issues.

Erema Vicent, the LC3 chairperson in Uriama subcounty, insists that for teenage pregnancy to end, both boy and girl children should be empowered to make it easier for the stakeholders to fight the vice.

However, during women’s day celebrations at Katiku primary school early this year, Davis Badaru, the GBV focal person working with the Danish Refugee Council, attributed the increase in teenage pregnancy to the perpetrators running away after committing the crimes.

She says some boys, after impregnating girls in the camps, shift to a different camp where they have relatives.

Last year, Terego registered the highest number of teenage pregnancies, which saw cases shoot up to 2203.

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