
Over 50 Kitgum disabled persons get wheelchairs

He also revealed that Kitgum District has a total of 23,700 people with disabilities who need such support.

Kitgum: The State Minister for Relief, Disaster Preparedness, and Refugees (OPM), who also serves as the Kitgum District Woman MP, Hon. Aber Lillian, in partnership with the OJ . Foundation, donated 60 wheelchairs to disabled persons in Kitgum District and Municipality on Friday, June 21, 2024.

While officiating over the handover ceremony, the Minister emphasized that the wheelchairs are part of ongoing efforts to advocate for people with disabilities, who are often overlooked in various programs, and that this support aims to ease their mobility.

The Kitgum District LCV Chairperson, Hon. Arwai Christopher Obol, urged the beneficiaries to take good care of the wheelchairs, highlighting that it is their responsibility.

He also expressed his appreciation to the minister for facilitating the connection that brought these wheelchairs to Kitgum.

Mr. Okello James P’Okidi, the Kitgum District Community Development Officer, who represented the Chief Administrative Officer, appealed to the beneficiaries to see this donation as a sign of empowerment, reiterating that disability is not inability.

Meanwhile, Omoya Mathew Atoo, the Kitgum District Disability Council Chairperson, expressed his joy upon receiving the wheelchairs, stating that they will greatly support the mobility of his team.

He also revealed that Kitgum District has a total of 23,700 people with disabilities who need such support.

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