
Masindi schools warned against charging ‘illegal’ fees

He accuses parents and guardians of neglecting their responsibilities and leaving children to loiter in places like bars and others.

By Our Reporter

Masindi: The head teachers of government-aided primary schools in Masindi district have been warned against charging learners for requirements that are not in the UPE or education policy guidelines.

In an exclusive interview with this publication, on Friday evening, Sanon Dhaala, the deputy resident district commissioner for Masindi, disclosed that he is receiving numerous calls from parents and guardians complaining of government-aided schools charging fees contrary to the guidelines.

Dhaala stressed that some schools are forcing parents and guardians to pay ‘illegal’ fees like lunch, sweaters, and shoes, which are contrary to the UPE and education policy guidelines.

‘’We are investigating some government-aided schools for charging ‘illegal’ fees like 75,000 shillings for lunch, money for sweaters, and others that are contrary to the UPE and education policy guidelines.’’

The presidential representative mentioned two schools in the municipality charging what he termed ‘illegal’ fees. He therefore warned the head teachers and school management committees against charging such fees, adding that they are against the UPE policy and whoever is caught will be answerable.

Dhaala asserted that President Museveni introduced Universal Primary Education (UPE) and Universal Secondary Education (USE) to enable the unprivileged to attain education.

‘’Those charging ‘illegal’ fees are jeopardizing the future of the unprivileged. UPE and USE were introduced to fight the illiteracy in the country.’’

The presidential representative also warned parents against holding their children at home when schools have reopened. He said this jeopardizes their future, and whoever is caught will also face the law.

Solomon Asiimwe, the LC3 Chairperson for Karujubu Division, stressed that most of them (children) in his division are involved in child labor, while others are engaged in theft cases like breaking into people’s houses.

He mentioned the notable areas as Kihuuba, Kinogozi, Kirooya, and Zebra, asserting that children are breaking into people’s houses, and so far, three cases of vehicle theft involving children have been reported to his office.

Asiimwe accuses parents and guardians of neglecting their responsibilities and leaving children to loiter in places like bars and others.

Recently, Betty Kyomuhendo, the deputy mayor of Masindi municipality, warned parents and guardians against involving children in hawking vegetables in the town.

She said this puts them at risk of being robbed, introduced to money at an early stage, which leads to school drops, and also involves them in child labor like harvesting sugarcane.

Kyomuhendo noted that it’s against the law and therefore warned parents against involving their children in such activities.

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