
Masindi couple arrested for burying their baby at night

‘’It's true; the couple is in our custody, but I’m yet to get their particulars,’’ he confirmed.

Masindi: A couple in Kaborogota village, Pakanyi Sub County in Masindi district, has been arrested for allegedly burying their two-month-old baby at night.

The husband has only been identified as Robert, 30 years old, and his wife as Muber, both residents of the same village.

They were reportedly arrested last Saturday after area residents saw a fresh grave in their compound in the morning.

According to a source who spoke to this publication on condition of anonymity, the suspects were seen on Friday night digging a grave where they later buried the baby that had died.

The source added that the residents later reported the matter at the Kaborogota police post, leading to the couple’s arrest.

It is said that during interrogation by police, the suspects claimed that they decided to bury the child at night because they did not have food to prepare for the mourners who would gather for the burial.

The source said the woman was later released on police bond after recording a statement at the Kaborogota police post, while her husband was transferred to the Masindi police station for further interrogation.

However, the Officer in Charge Kaborogota police post dismissed the reports of the couple’s arrest as rumors when contacted by our reporter for a comment on the matter.

Efforts to get a comment from the District Police Commander (DPC), Jacob Chepskor, on the matter were futile, as he said he was in a meeting.

When contacted, Julius Allan Hakiza, the Albertine Regional Police Spokesperson, confirmed the matter and said the couple was in their custody.

‘’It’s true; the couple is in our custody, but I’m yet to get their particulars,’’ he confirmed.

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