Make Money in Uganda: 3 Tips to Earn an Income With Little or No Capital

In Uganda, 1% GDP growth increase generates 400 jobs annually against a population of 8.7 million active participants in the labor market. Of these 9.4% are unemployed. This is according to a report by Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung
Well, you don’t want to be part of the statistics in the unemployed group? Be part of the solution by starting a business without capital in Uganda. You may even create employment by taking the first step.
- Use Your Skills
Use your skills in your area of specialization. Teach students at any level both primary and tertiary to excel at a fee. Do you have experience in human resources? Link employees to prospective employers and get paid. Market goods and services on behalf of companies for a commission.
Get creative, seek positive advice from people who have excelled in your area before. They are a good source of information. You can start with the very lecturer back in college, they can recommend and direct you on where to start from.
- Try Farming
You may not have acquired any skill through higher education, but need to make money, right? 80% of the total land area in Uganda is arable land. Agriculture is the main backbone of Uganda’s economy as its main source of livelihood. This is according to a report filed by Food and Agriculture Organization.
Look around for idle land, approach the owner to lease it for a season or two. Make sure the lease agreement is in place with the help of the local council. Plant crops that are consumed daily in most households. Crops that take 3-4 months to mature. These include tomatoes, Irish potatoes, green paper, cabbages, onions and vegetables.
Partner with the government agency Operation Wealth Creation to advise on the best crops for the soil type at hand. The beauty of this agency is that they provide free seedlings and advice. Sometimes they even help you market your product when it is ready.
- Use What You Have
Do you have a spacious compound for young ones to run around? Do you have a passion for children? Why not take care of these young ones in your neighborhood, while their parents go to work? You can offer to drop the children to school to free time for their busy parents.
You can trim overgrown hedges, do gardening for your busy neighbors at a fee. You can offer to handle garbage collection and link with the local council on its appropriate disposal.
In conclusion, you can make money in Uganda without any capital. Follow some of these suggestions and any other that interests you and start earning money. Do not despise humble beginnings. A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. Go ahead and take that step.
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