
Lamwo CAO ordered to summon health assistant over absenteeism 

He confirmed that the Sub County Health Assistant has been inconsistent in attending to his duties.

Lamwo: The Lamwo district Resident District Commissioner, Mr. Oceng Geoffrey Osborne, has ordered the Lamwo district Deputy Chief Administrative Officer to summon the Lokung Subcounty Health Assistant over alleged absconding from duty.

Mr. Osborne has also asked the Deputy CAO to query the reasons for the absence of such human resources and take the necessary steps to handle such cases.

He made this revelation recently during the commissioning of a 450-million-shilling water project in Lokung Subcounty by the Ministry for Water and Environment.

Mr. Odoch Richard Poromoi, the Lamwo district Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, instructed the Lokung Subcounty Chief to write a comprehensive report regarding the alleged absenteeism of the said personnel.

He admitted that there is poor sanitation within Lokung Subcounty, indicating the health assistant’s laxity in sensitizing and providing necessary guidance to the community.

Mr. Poromoi also confirmed that if records prove the health assistant has missed duty for a consecutive 15 days, he will be subject to missing salary as per public service standing orders.

The Lokung Subcounty LCIII Chairperson, Ocan Joachim Opoka, further confirmed that the Sub County Health Assistant has been inconsistent in attending to his duties.

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