
Kitgum Municipal Mayor suspended from council meeting

Speaker Nokrach Reagan later formally adjourned the council meeting until Tuesday, September 24, 2024.

Kitgum: The Kitgum Municipality Full Council meeting on Monday, September 16, 2024, came to a standstill after Speaker Nokrach Reagan suspended Mayor Okwera Richard Ojara from attending two consecutive full council meetings.

The suspension followed a disagreement over the 135 million shilling renovation contract of the GAPCO building in Central Division, Kitgum Municipality, which would allow the current tenant to occupy the property for ten years.

A section of the council argued that the contract did not follow proper procedures, as it was never presented during any official council business for discussion or approval.

In response, the Speaker ruled to halt the renovation work until the Town Clerk provides a clear explanation regarding the Memorandum of Understanding.

After his suspension, Mayor Okwera resisted two removal attempts by the Sergeant-at-Arms, leading the Speaker to temporarily adjourn the meeting until the Mayor vacated the council hall.

When the full council meeting resumed after Mayor Ojara’s exit, Ms. Atim Harriet Okot, representing the Town Clerk, clarified that within her delegated authority, she could not issue an order to halt the renovation work at the GAPCO building, as only the official Town Clerk has that power.

Speaker Nokrach Reagan later formally adjourned the council meeting until Tuesday, September 24, 2024.

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