
Kikuube residents appeal for intervention in  Rwamutanga land conflict

They say the land case they are having in Masindi High Court has made them suffer a lot, and as they speak, they have no schools, health centers, or water, among other services, in their area.

Kikuube: Residents of Rwamutonga village in Bugambe subcounty, Kikuube district, have requested different non-governmental organizations operating in Hoima and Kikuube district to support them in the long-overdue land case of Rwamutonga village.

While speaking in an engagement organized by CARITAS/HOCADEO on Wednesday, Godfrey Wanichan, the LC1 of Rwamutonga village, revealed that since 2014 they have been battling with a land case with the family of Joshua Tibagwa and his four daughters.

Wanichan says Rwamutonga involves the villages of Kakopo A, B, and C, adding that in 2014, Tibagwa came with his team and destroyed all the indigenous trees, fruit trees, and graveyards they had to remove the evidence that people once stayed there and evicted them from the land.

He has requested all NGO’s in the districts of Hoima and Kikuube to support them with legal or financial help since the expenses are too much and they no longer have money.

Alex Latim, a resident of Kakopo A in Rwamutonga village, says the land case they are having in Masindi High Court has made them suffer a lot, and as they speak, they have no schools, health centers, or water, among other services, in their area.

Betty Kusemererwa, also a resident of the same village, states that as women, they are receiving challenges from pregnant women giving birth on the way and others from home, and they end up getting complications since the health centers are very far and the roads are in poor state.

She adds that transport from Rwamutonga to Buseruka, which is the nearest health center, costs between 7,000 and 10,000 shillings, which is expensive and something many cannot afford.

Fred Tibagwa, the parish chief of Bugambe, confirmed that services like schools and health centers, among others, are very far from the residents of Rwamutonga.

However, he told the residents that the government does not construct health centers or schools in every village; it’s done in parishes.

Nelson Atichi, the male councilor of Katanga and also council speaker of Bugambe sub-county, disclosed that the people of Rwamutonga need legal help because they have two land titles on the above land that need cancellation.

Atichi says the first title is in the name of Tibagwa and four daughters, and the second is Robert Bansigaraho, adding that they have another case in April and May this year.

Scovia Katusiime Caroline, councilor of Katonga A, says they have submitted a request to the district requesting for Katonga to be given a parish since it is very big.

Katusiime says that by doing this, all the challenges disturbing Katonga in terms of service delivery will be minimized.

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