
Kagadi RDC condemns traditional healers’ fraudulent activities, calls for registration

She advised them to register with district offices for easy monitoring and protection during crisis.

Kagadi: Kagadi Resident District Commissioner (RDC), Lillian Ruteraho, has strongly condemned traditional healers in Kagadi for engaging in fraudulent activities and impunity against innocent individuals.

During a security meeting with traditional healers at Kagadi Community Hall, Ruteraho expressed concern over reports of community members being conned out of millions of shillings by some traditional healers.

Ruteraho warned the traditional healers to cease such activities, threatening to apprehend those caught.

She advised them to register with district offices for easy monitoring and protection during crisis.

Registration, she believes, will help distinguish genuine traditional healers from fake ones.

In response, traditional healers denied engaging in fraudulent activities, blaming fake pastors and unregistered traditional healers hosted on a local radio station for the fake acts.

They requested the RDC crack down on fake pastors and radio stations hosting unverified traditional healers.

The traditional healers pledged to cooperate with the RDC’s office to sanitize their practice and eliminate fake practitioners who have infiltrated their ranks.

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