
Kagadi PDM beneficiaries accuse parish chiefs of extortion

Some parish chiefs have run away with money for beneficiaries.

Kagadi: The Parish Development Model (PDM) beneficiaries in Kagadi district, Western Uganda, are accusing the parish chiefs of extortion.

The issue was raised on Friday, June 21, 2024, during a district leaders meeting in a bid to ensure the successful implementation of PDM in Kagadi.

The meeting was attended by various stakeholders, including RDC Lillian Ruteraho, district chairperson Ndibwami B. Yosia, parish chiefs, and community development officers.

RDC Ruteraho told the meeting that she has registered several complainants from the PDM beneficiaries, accusing the parish chiefs of extorting money from them in order to benefit from the presidential initiative.

She stressed that one of the beneficiaries reported to her office the SACCO chairperson, who was charging each beneficiary 150,000 shillings in order to get PDM funds.

Ruteraho warned the SACCO chairpersons and parish chiefs against extorting money from beneficiaries and advised them to refund the extorted money or else they face arrest. She emphasized that the program is designed to uplift and empower local communities.

‘’Some parish chiefs and SACCO chairpersons are charging 70,000 shillings; I’m warning you, and if you don’t return that money to the beneficiaries, I swear I’m going to arrest you,’’ she vowed.

The RDC emphasized the importance of transparency and accountability in the implementation of the PDM program.

Ruteraho urged the parish chiefs and community development officers to prioritize the needs of the beneficiaries, ensuring that the program’s benefits reach the intended recipients.

The Kagadi district LCV Chairman, Ndibwami B. Yosia, also acknowledged receiving complaints from beneficiaries accusing the parish chiefs and the community development officers of extorting money.

‘’We have received a lot of negative reports, which are about the parish chiefs and the community development officers, in regard to the beneficiaries of PDM. This program was designed and initiated by the president to change the lives of the people in respective parishes. We expect 100 million shillings given to each parish to benefit 100 members, each getting one million. Some parish chiefs have run away with money for beneficiaries,’’ he said.

Ndibwami reiterated the importance of accountability, urging officers to maintain accurate records and ensure that resources are utilized efficiently.

Vincent Kyaligonza, the Deputy CAO Kagadi, called for commitment to transparency, accountability, and effective implementation of the Parish Development Model.

‘’We have got reports about the extortion, and we have directed the parish chiefs, community development officers, and SACCO leaders who extorted the money to return it to them or else face arrest because they are illegally charging the beneficiaries.’’

The leaders vowed to work together to ensure that the program realizes its intended objectives and positively impacts the lives of the people in Kagadi district.

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