
ISO boss denies involvement in assault of Kiryandongo councillor

He claimed that at the time the incident happened, he was in the DRC on a government mission.

Kiryandongo:The deputy director of Internal Security Organisation (ISO), Gen. Taban Amin, has denied any involvement in the flogging of the councillor for Kimogora Parish at Mutunda sub-county council in Kiryandongo district, Fred Kagume.

Kangume was assaulted and severely injured on Monday by a group of people said to be Gen. Taban’s guards and acting on his orders.

Taban denied ordering anyone to beat up the councilor and having security guards.

Taban said he doesn’t have security guards and does not need them because he is a peaceful person loved by the people.

He claimed that at the time the incident happened, he was in the DRC on a government mission.

Taban also denied fleeing after the flogging of the councillor, claiming that he went to the DRC for a government mission but did not run away as it is being alleged.

The ISO boss, however, accused the assaulted councillor of defaming him by accusing him of grabbing the land and evicting the people from it.

He clarified that the said land belonged to his late father, the former President of Uganda, Iddi Amin Dada.

‘’Everyone knows that Ranch 11 belongs to my late father. When my father was overthrown, we allowed some people to cultivate the land but not to build permanent houses on it. Some complied with the directive, while others gave deaf ears to us.’’

Meanwhile, councilor Kangume is seeking financial support to help him get treatment for the injuries he sustained during the beating.

In an exclusive interview with this publication, On Thursday afternoon, Kangume revealed that he was picked up from his home by the alleged Taban’s guards, who dragged him to his place.

He explained that he was flogged by the security guards as Taban demanded land documents from him on top of asking why he was accusing him of grabbing land.

‘’Igwee ordered the security guards to beat me, demanding land documents, which I don’t have. I have never been involved in any land-related issue,’’ Kangume said.

Kangume, who said he was innocently assaulted, asked the government to intervene in the land matter, revealing that money is being extorted from the people with the promise of not being evicted from the land.

Steven Byakatonda, Kangume’s caretaker, decried the huge hospital bill that has accumulated since Kangume was admitted for treatment.

He says they don’t have the money to clear the bill and has appealed for the government and well-wishers’ intervention.

‘’I don’t have money to clear the bill; as of now, the bill is over one million shillings, and yet my brother’s situation is deteriorating,’’ said Byakatonda.

Julius Allan Hakiza, the Albertine region police spokesperson, told our reporter that they have so far arrested six suspects in connection with Kangume’s assault.

Hakiza said the suspects were arrested on Wednesday in an operation conducted by soldiers from Masindi Field Artillery Division.

The regional police mouthpiece revealed that four of the suspects are male and are currently detained at Masindi police station, while two are female and are currently detained at Kiryandongo police station.

‘’The four are detained at Masindi CPS for easy interrogation since the operation was carried out by UPDF officers from Artillery Division.’’

The police officer identified the suspects as: Musa Farai, Matembu Sam, Medi Adam, Eliyasi Sam, Ndyanabo Zainab, Mathuma Alice, and Matalilo Issa.

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Innocent Atuganyira

Innocent Atuganyira is a resilient multimedia journalist, a born of the oil-rich Buliisa district but working in Masindi District, Mid-Western Uganda. Contact: +256786816091/ WhatsApp +256757022363

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