
Construction of ICU at Hoima Regional Referral Hospital nears completion

He says the project of ICU construction is under way, and 8.4 billion shillings have been injected into it by the government.

Hoima: In a bid to bring service delivery closer to the people, the government of Uganda, through the Ministry of Health, is constructing an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and an oxygen plant at Hoima regional referral hospital.

All these facilities are nearing completion; this was discovered during a media visit to the regional referral hospital organized by the resident city commissioner, Badru Mugabi, and the hospital director, Dr. Ibrahim Bwaga.

During the monitoring, Dr. Ibrahim Bwaga explained that the hospital has been equipped with a functioning CT scan and the construction  of an oxygen plant with a capacity of 100 cylinders per day and an ICU, which will help improve service delivery in the region.

Dr. Bwaga revealed that they handle more than 100 women every day, and out of them, 30–40 are those who come for delivery, of which 15-20 go through C-section, and most of these people come from outside Hoima.

He says since these women come from far away, some develop pressure and their kidneys get affected, thus needing dialysis, and since the region cannot handle such, they are referred to either Mulago or Kirudu hospitals.

Bwaga adds that on a weekly basis, they refer 10 patients to Mulago or Kirudu for dialysis treatment and others, but with the new ICU being constructed, all will not be necessary since they will be providing them.

He, however, noted that CT scans charge a user fee of 120,000 shillings which was agreed upon at the Ministry of Health level to buy films and maintain the machines.

Enzama Kasto, the principal radiographer, disclosed that they work on 100 patients on average per month and mostly receive cases of accidents and strokes.

Badru Mugabi explained that the government is investing in the health sector of the region to improve the health of the people and also to save them from going to get those services in faraway places like Kampala.

He says the project of ICU construction is under way, and 8.4 billion shillings have been injected into it by the government.

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