
UIA Board Dismissed for Disobeying Minister Anite’s Orders Against Mukiza!

The Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) board is the latest casualty in the ongoing conflict between Director General Robert Mukiza and Investment Minister Evelyne Anite. This publication has learned that Finance Minister Matia Kasaija dissolved the UIA board last week, allegedly at the instigation of junior Investment Minister Anite.

The sacked members include Morrison Rwakakamba (Board Chairperson), Dr. Joshua Mutambi, Beatrice Mpairwe, Neima Ombambosa, Izama Angelo Opi-Aiya, Getrude Kateesa Lutaaya, and Godfrey Byamukama Kereere. Some of these members had their contracts renewed just two weeks ago, but Kasaija decided to send all of them packing.

It has now come to light that Minister Anite has a personal vendetta against UIA Executive Director Mukiza. The ongoing conflict escalated when the two appeared before President Museveni months ago, where Anite was severely exposed. Reports suggest that Anite recruited the UIA board to help her force Mukiza to step down.

It is worth noting that the Anite-Mukiza feud arose as many board members’ terms were expiring. Anite allegedly offered a deal: “I will renew your contracts; you help me force Mukiza out of office.” However, when the members’ contracts were renewed, they chose to act according to their conscience and refused to pass a vote of no confidence in Mukiza, leaving Anite frustrated.

In the broader context, Anite reportedly wanted the UIA board to initiate investigations into allegations of tribalism, mismanagement, corruption, and favoritism against Mukiza. She aimed to have Mukiza resign to facilitate these investigations, which would effectively end his tenure at UIA.

When the previous board members showed little interest in complying, Anite allegedly spoke with Minister Kasaija, who has the authority to appoint or dissolve the UIA board. The outcome was the dissolution of the board, and recruitment for a new board is currently underway. Insiders believe that the new members must be aligned with Anite’s agenda, which is to ensure Mukiza’s removal.

“Anite wants to fire Mukiza through the UIA board. The old board refused to be manipulated. When they resisted, she used Kasaija to remove them. They are now recruiting new board members who will be more compliant. This is not good news for DG Mukiza, especially considering what happened to Kaguhangire [Mukiza’s predecessor],” reveals a source at the Ministry of Finance familiar with the situation.

How Mukiza’s Predecessor Was Forced Out of UIA

It should be noted that this is reminiscent of how Mukiza’s predecessor, Jolly Kaguhangire, was forced out of UIA in 2018. A petition was sent to the IGG accusing Kaguhangire of misuse of office, gross insubordination, and incompetence, among other allegations.

She was subsequently suspended from office by the UIA board pending investigations into the claims made in the IGG petition. However, in May 2019, the IGG cleared her of any wrongdoing. Following the IGG report, Kaguhangire sought an audience with President Museveni, claiming that her tumultuous exit in 2018 was orchestrated by corrupt elements within UIA.

Sources indicate that she informed the President that some senior UIA staff and board members opposed her when she began exposing their corrupt activities. Her daughter also serves as President Museveni’s social media handler. A delegation from the Born Again faith, to which Kaguhangire belongs, reportedly met with the President and advocated for her innocence.

President Museveni subsequently sought the opinion of the IGG on the matter, after which he ordered Finance Minister Matia Kasaija to reinstate Kaguhangire. However, her return faced significant obstacles, as UIA board members vowed to oppose her. The board members stuck to their guns and she eventually left UIA for good. Kasaija would also later sack the UIA board that masterminded her exit.

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