
Zombo parish chiefs arrested for mismanagement of PDM funds

“Do not let anyone exploit you. Report any cases of extortion immediately so we can take action.”

Zombo: Two parish chiefs in Zombo District have been arrested over alleged mismanagement and extortion of Parish Development Model (PDM) funds.

The arrested officials are Judith Kawun, the Parish Chief of Alube Parish, Kango Sub-County, and Manano Betty Diana, of Omua Ward, Warr Town Council. They were apprehended by Zombo Resident District Commissioner (RDC) Festus Ayikobua and his team.

In an interview on Sunday, March 16, 2025, RDC Ayikobua confirmed that the two parish chiefs allegedly disbursed funds to their spouses and close relatives, charging exorbitant fees and depriving other eligible beneficiaries.

“They decided to give this money to their husbands who are not even members of the villages. One of them gave the money to her husband who stays in Arua. What is this?” Ayikobua questioned.

Manano Betty Diana reportedly diverted UGX 4 million to her husband and other individuals from Omua Ward, falsely presenting them as residents of Alube Parish.

Judith Kawun allegedly smuggled her husband from Arua City and others into the scheme, allocating them UGX 3 million, leaving out genuine beneficiaries from Zombo District.

The duo was detained at Paidha Central Police Station, awaiting their legal fate. According to Ayikobua, they may face court charges if they fail to return the misappropriated funds.

Despite such incidents of corruption and fraud, Zombo District has made significant progress in disbursing over UGX 4 billion to more than 4,000 beneficiaries under the PDM program, which was launched in 2022.

James Oyullu Oruna, the LCV Chairperson of Zombo District, shared in a recent district council meeting that 81% of the allocated UGX 6.1 billion for the program has been disbursed across 61 parishest and he district’s technical team has been urged to fast-track disbursement in the remaining parishes.

RDC Ayikobua commended other parishes for their proper use of PDM funds, stating: “Others are doing so well, and we appreciate them. We even have farmers who can testify about the benefits of the program.”

The Ugandan government has taken a strong stance against PDM fund mismanagement.

President Yoweri Museveni recently issued a stern warning to defaulters and embezzlers of PDM funds, proposing a 10-month jail term for those found guilty.

In Lira, the Chief Magistrate’s Court last week sentenced Sara Atim, Chairperson of Ipito Aweno PDM SACCO, to one year and eleven months in prison for similar offenses.

Despite progress, concerns about misuse of PDM funds continue to surface, with reports of embezzlement, extortion, and beneficiaries misusing funds for luxuries instead of productive investments.

Derick Rwothungeyu Ocweda, the District Youth Councilor, emphasized the need for continuous sensitization:“We must ensure people use these funds wisely. More focus on education and awareness is crucial.”

Evelyn Jane Othora, Chairperson of the Production and Natural Resources Committee, suggested capacity-building programs for PDM leaders:

“We recommend training parish chiefs and SACCO leaders to speed up disbursement and improve fund management.”

Recently, Parish Development Committees in Paidha Sub-County came under intense scrutiny over allegations of extortion and favoritism in fund allocation.

Bruno Obomba Manano, the Assistant RDC of Zombo, issued a strong warning against such practices:

“Do not let anyone exploit you. Report any cases of extortion immediately so we can take action.”

The Parish Development Model (PDM) remains a critical tool for poverty alleviation in Uganda, and ensuring transparency and accountability in fund management is essential for its long-term success.

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Mike Rwothomio

Mike Rwothomio is a freelance journalist based in Zombo district. Contact him via; Email: Contacts: +256774294930 or +256752135250

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